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After A Painful Illness, Teen Dies. But On The Way To His Funeral, They Look Into His Eyes. That

After A Painful Illness, Teen Dies. But On The Way To His Funeral, They Look Into His Eyes. That's When They Start Flickering

A 17-year-old boy in India is making headline all over the world after he miraculously woke up on the way to his own funeral. Read on for the full story!


A 17-year-old boy in India is making headlines after he miraculously woke up on his way to a funeral—his own funeral.

According to the Times of India, Kumar Marewad was bitten by a stray dog about one month ago, but he did not show signs of any sickness until last week.

Reports show that weeks after the dog attack, Kumar came down with a very high fever and was immediately rushed to a hospital in Dharwab, Karnataka.

As the dog bite infection began to spread throughout Kumar’s entire body, his condition dramatically worsened.

At some point during the week, Kumar took a turn for the worse and had to be placed on a ventilator, as he could no longer breathe on his own.

While at the hospital, Kumar’s family members were given devastating news: Once taken off of life support, Kumar would not survive.

Desperate to end Kumar’s extreme pain and suffering, the family decided to remove him from life support and take him home.

“We had decided to take Kumar home after doctors told us his chances of survival were bleak once taken off the ventilator,” Kumar’s brother-in-law, Sharanappa Naikar, told the Times of India.

It didn’t take long before Kumar was finally presumed dead.

According to the Times of India, Kumar’s family quickly began making funeral arrangements for the teen.

It was on the way to the funeral that they started noticing a change in Kumar.

According to the New York Post, the family was about a mile away from Dharwad’s Managundi village, where the funeral was supposed to take place, when Kumar suddenly started showing signs of life.

As the Times of India reports, Kumar soon opened his eyes, wiggled his legs, moved his arms, and started gasping for air.

Realizing what was happening right before their eyes, Kumar’s family rushed the teen back to the hospital, where he was once again placed on a ventilator.

“We suspect he suffers from meningoencephalitis, an infection caused due to dog bite,” said his doctor, Mahesh Neelakhantannavar.

Kumar is said to be in critical condition at this point.

Kumar’s parents told the Times of India that they “need support for his treatment.”

Fox 32 Chicago shared Kumar’ story on Facebook, where it quickly went viral, with many commenters calling this a miracle.

“This particular story happened in India but this happens all over the world including the US. I have read many articles where scratch marks have been found inside coffins that where later dug up. And people waking up at their funerals or in the morgue,” one person commented.

“Glory be to god!!! Our father god holds our breath in his hands. Hes in control. Amen,” another commenter wrote.