A woman decided to spend her night watching a movie. So, she went to the nearest Redbox machine to rent a blockbuster. She chose the movie Deepwater Horizon, which is an action movie starring Mark Wahlberg as an all-American, regular guy who supposedly saved the world from the 2010 oil spill.
When the woman takes the DVD home, she noticed that there are a few notes or papers slipped inside the DVD case. When she opened the Redbox case, she was definitely not expecting to find not only one, but five folded twenty-dollar bills and a handwritten note in a lined paper.

The note reads:
"My name is Marcos. Every month I take $100 that I'd normally spend on myself and give it away to a stranger.
"This month I decided to change it up and put it in a Redbox DVD. You are the first giveaway of 2017!
"I just ask that you put the money to good use; if you don't need it, give it away.
"If you do need it, keep it."
The woman’s daughter took photos for evidence and posted them on Twitter. Liz (@lifeaslizz___) said, “My mom was just hoping to relax and enjoy a movie, but instead God blessed her with more. Marcos, whoever you are, God bless you.”
Hope the folds of money Marcos had given to a stranger would return to him in more folds.
For example, Luke Jay Mumford, a 21-year-old student from a school in Canterbury, received the good karma quite immediately after he gave a coffee to a homeless person.
Mumford would buy this homeless person a cup of coffee every morning to warm himself up. Another person noticed Mumford’s small yet benevolent act. A man named Carey approached Mumford and offered him a job at the Historic Boats tour in Canterbury.
Mumford told The LadBible, "When Carey approached me, I wasn't sure what his intentions were. So, to begin with, I was somewhat concerned. But then he shook my hand and thanked me for the kind gesture.
“We discussed it a little longer and he then went on to offer me a position in his company.”
Mumford wasn’t expecting that he’d be offered a position. He simply wanted to give the homeless person a cup of coffee to warm him up during the cold, wintry nights.
Mumford said, "At the time, I was somewhat embarrassed and dismissed the praise as I'm a firm believer that random acts of kindness shouldn't be done for the praise, rather the knowledge that you've helped someone and I still feel that way.”
He explained: "Whilst it was a very kind gesture I won't be accepting the job opportunity as I am currently progressing in my career at Sainsbury's.
“However, we did start discussing possible graphic design work experience as part of my course - which I am excited to begin."
Hopefully these acts of kindness, and the eventual return of the same kind to the giver, would encourage each one of us to be nice to each other.