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Her Room Is So Messy, She Steps On Her Phone Charger And Pierces Her Foot Open.

Her Room Is So Messy, She Steps On Her Phone Charger And Pierces Her Foot Open.

Like most other teens, Julia Pechar keeps her room in a state of disarray. Her mother tells her to clean it, but she never listens. This is what happened.

Photo Copyright © 2017 @JEWL_ia/Twitter


18-year-old Julia Pechar hates cleaning her room. Her bedroom in Nebraska is a mess. Her Christmas decorations are still up — in February — and so much junk is scattered across the floor that you can barely even see the floor.

Pechar never thought much of living in this mess until a couple days ago, when she hopped off her bed and took a terrible misstep.

“So, I was laying in my bed watching Netflix and I heard my microwave go off. I was cooking popcorn,” she recalled. “I got so excited that I literally jumped off of my bed.”

In her excitement, she didn’t bother to check where her foot would land.

It landed right on top of her iPhone charger. One of the prongs of the plug went straight into her foot.

Pechar screamed to her mom for help — but not before she crawled over to her phone to snap a photo of the gory injury and post the evidence online.

Only after she’d taken a couple photos (that she later posted on Twitter with a photo of her messy room), did Pechar scream for her mom to remove the plug from her foot.


“For all of the people demanding blood,” Pechar commented later on Twitter, “yes, it did bleed…a lot. It still is.”

Some people have taken to the Internet to express their sympathy at her injury. Others think she should have listened to her mom and cleaned her room before it happened.

Apparently, even after Pechar and her mom removed the plug from her foot that night, she didn’t bother going to the hospital.

At school the following day, she chose to simply speak with the nurse to get an elevator pass that would help her get around campus and to all her classes on time, even with her injury.

She said she’ll go see her doctor after school.

As for everyone online who has been sending her commentary on her messy bedroom and wondering if she will finally clean it up a little – Pechar says she still has no interest to clean.

She has no plan to clean her room, though she may concede to shifting things around a little to make a clearer, safer path for her to tread.

The remainder of the responses gave her and her mom some good laughs that night as well, like when someone asked if she checked whether her phone would charge while the charger was plugged into her foot.

Other responses were a little more “creepy,” as posters thanked her for sharing photos of her foot online for them to see.

What would your reaction be? You can see and respond to her original post here: