Gymnastics is a fun, but dangerous sport. Many people who get involved with the high-flying physical activity know that they’re taking a risk, but no one ever thinks their life will change during a simple practice.
14-year-old Blake was at gymnastics practice preparing for a flip. He ran at full speed and launched into the air, but missed the foam pit. His skull made contact with the concrete, and he was immediately rushed to the hospital.
The terrifying leap left him in a coma. Doctors gave him a 50% chance of making it, and his parents had no idea what to do.
Thankfully, Blake woke up, but he was confused and in pain. After the doctors examined him, they uncovered that Blake had experienced several strokes, and was suffering from severe brain damage.
While Blake’s diagnosis left him unlikely to ever walk again, his parents had faith. They believed their son would walk out of the hospital one day.
The family began physical therapy, starting with the smallest of movements. Little by little, Blake showed progress. Just about a year later, Blake’s family cheered him on as he walked on his own outside the hospital doors.
Now he’s doing the daily work to help improve his memory and brain function. It’s not easy, but Blake’s positive attitude is nothing short of inspiring. He even says he wouldn’t go back and change a thing about that fateful day, because he knows his story is helping others.
Blake defied all the odds, and is now living his life to the fullest! Watch the video below to see more of Blake's amazing journey.