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While On A Routine Delivery Route, UPS Driver Picks Up Woman

While On A Routine Delivery Route, UPS Driver Picks Up Woman's Package. Then He Spots What's Scribbled On It And Calls 911

A UPS driver is now being credited by Missouri police for saving the lives of two innocent people. He hadn’t even gone out of his way to do anything special; it had simply been just another day on the job for him.


On the morning of Tuesday, December 13, 2016, one UPS driver (whose identity will remain anonymous) stopped by a house in Franklin County, Missouri to pick up a package the residents wanted delivered.

There, a woman answered the door and handed the driver the parcel in question.

When the UPS driver looked down at the box, however, he saw what the woman had written: “Contact 911.”

He did immediately after he left the home.

Police from Franklin County immediately came down on the house and very quickly discovered the terrifying truth.

For the past 15 hours, ever since Monday night, the woman who’d answered the door had been held captive by her husband inside her own home.

He had not only held her captive; he’d also threatened her with a gun to the head and warned that he would kill her, beat her, and even dragged her back inside the house by her hair when she tried to escape.

During all this, the man had locked his 3-year-old son in his bedroom, with no food or water.

Sergeant T.J. Wild says this UPS driver “made a huge difference” in their investigation of this case, and in the victims’ lives.

33-year-old James Jordan has since been arrested on charges of domestic assault, sodomy, felonious restraint, unlawful use of a weapon, and endangering a child. He will be sent to jail with a steep bail.

You can watch the original news clip here:
