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He Becomes Paralyzed And Loses His Ability To Speak At His Own Bachelor

He Becomes Paralyzed And Loses His Ability To Speak At His Own Bachelor's Party

At Brett Greenhill and his fiancée, Meg Alexander’s, joint bachelor and bachelorette party, he hit his head and became paralyzed from the waist down. The couple’s wedding plans are still on, but now they’re uncertain of how things will actually pan out.

Photo Copyright © 2016 People via Vic Bonvicini


Brett Greenhill, 39, and Meg Alexander, 29, have set their wedding date for February 11, 2017. It would be an occasion filled with the friends and family they loved – much like their joint bachelor and bachelorette party had been shaping up to be.

On Friday, December 2, 2016, Greenhill and Alexander invited a number of their closest friends and family members to Alexander’s mother’s home in Naples, Florida.

There, everyone would be able to spend time together on the beach or even go swimming.

“It was so much fun,” Alexander said. “Everyone had a blast.”

The day, however, would soon take a tragic downturn.

“Brett went into the water and all of a sudden my friend Kelsey says, ‘Why is Brett doing that? Why is he floating like that?’” Alexander recalled. “I was like, ‘I don’t know, he’s a goofball’ and she went to check on him.”

Then, screams.

By the time Alexander joined Kelsey and her fiancé on the shore, Kelsey was stabilizing Greenhill’s head and yelling for someone to call 911.

Alexander remembered her fiancé telling her, “I can’t feel anything. Meg, I love you so much and I’m so sorry. I love you so much.”

People via Vic Bonvicini

Greenhill was airlifted to the nearest hospital where doctors determined that he had hit his head on what they presumed to be a sandbar. He was now paralyzed from the neck down and has just a 1% chance of regaining his mobility.

Alexander, however, refuses to lose hope. “We’re holding on to that 1 percent because if anyone will do it, it’s Brett,” she insisted. “He’s the hardest-working person you could ever imagine.”

At the hospital, doctors also discovered that Greenhill lost his ability to speak – though they reassure Alexander that this is only temporary. The couple has been able to communicate by having Greenhill spell out words as Alexander points to letters of the alphabet.

The family has since put together a GoFundMe page, hoping to raise money to assist with Greenhill’s mounting medical bills and his long path to recovery. If you can give, please do so here.