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After 47 Years, This Man Finally Has His 24-Pound Tumor Removed From His Face.

After 47 Years, This Man Finally Has His 24-Pound Tumor Removed From His Face.

Krishna Prasad Bhattarai has watched a giant tumor on his face grow for the past 47 years. His family didn’t have money to afford the surgery to remove it when he was younger, so he had to wait until he was 60 years old to have a chance at a more normal life.

Photo Copyright © 2016 Daily Mail via Cover Asia Press


Ever since Krishna Prasad Bhattarai was 13 years old, he’s watched a tumor on his face slowly but surely grow larger and larger. Bhattarai is now 60 years old, and he’s still suffering from the growth.

Local doctors have diagnosed Bhattarai with neurofibromatosis, a condition that causes tumors to grow all over a patient’s body. Although these tumors aren’t malignant or cancerous, they are unsightly and can completely take over a person’s appearance.

For Bhattarai, his symptoms began as tiny spots covering his skin. Then, over time, one particular section on the right side of his jaw began to swell larger.

Now, the growth has completely taken over his face. It’s impossible to ignore, as it hangs down to his waist in long, sagging pieces of skin.

When Bhattarai was growing up, his family wasn’t able to afford the extensive medical procedure to have this particular tumor removed, so Bhattarai was forced to watch it grow.

But after years of making public appeals for help, Bhattarai has finally received enough donations to fund the removal operation.

Daily Mail via Cover Asia Press

At Sushma Koirala Memorial Hospital in Kathmandu, Nepal, Bhattari underwent a seven-hour surgery carried out by 11 doctors to have the swollen tumor removed for good.

Thankfully, the procedure went smoothly and Bhattarai is expected to make a full recovery.

While he will continue to sport his smaller tumors, growths, and boils for the rest of his life, he feels much more confident and comfortable in his own skin after the growth was removed.

See what he looks like now.

Daily Mail via Cover Asia Press