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A Boy Born Without The Lower Half Of His Spine And Calf Muscles Has Just Learned To Walk

A Boy Born Without The Lower Half Of His Spine And Calf Muscles Has Just Learned To Walk

When Jett McNamara was born, his parents were faced with the harsh truth. Because he’d been born without the lower half of his spine nor calf muscles, there was no way Jett would ever be able to walk by himself. But four years later, Jett proved them all wrong.

Photo Copyright © 2016 Daily Mail via Amy McNamara


Four-year-old Jett McNamara has finally taken his first steps – and this is more momentous than it sounds.

Jett was born with sacral agenesis, a medical condition where a child’s lower spine and lumbar region fail to develop before they’re born. As a result, Jett’s lower back is extremely soft to touch and is unable to support his body in certain motions, like walking.

On top of that, Jett was also born with three holes in his heart due to incomplete development. He also suffered from a lack of calf muscles and deformed feet.

Daily Mail via Amy McNamaraDaily Mail via Amy McNamara

No one could see any solution that would allow Jett to live the remainder of his life outside of a wheelchair.

“As soon as they said he would be wheelchair bound and probably not have as good a quality of life as us due to kidney problems I broke down,” Mrs. McNamara said. “My husband had to stay strong and speak to the doctors, I just couldn’t talk.”

Jett has since undergone five surgeries on his feet and another to repair the holes in his heart. Despite all the odds stacked against him, Jett has shown remarkable resilience and continues to be a happy, exuberant child who plays among his siblings – just while sitting in his wheelchair.

When Jett was four, however, he suddenly stunned everyone he stood and toddled his first few steps – completely independent of a walker or a wheelchair.

“The first time he was actually playing with his siblings,” Jett’s mother said. “They all started screaming and said: ‘Mum, Jett’s walking without holding anything.’ At this stage it was only about four steps… but we were cheering and carrying on.”

Soon enough, Jett was walking eight steps, then ten, and then 12 steps. His family – and his doctors – are all stunned by how much progress he’s made, and have now changed their mindset to be hopeful for the future, and Jett’s continued growth.

You can watch Jett take his first few steps here: