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Watch This Super Slow-Motion Video Of Men Waxing Their Legs

Watch This Super Slow-Motion Video Of Men Waxing Their Legs

The Slow Mo Guys on YouTube recently realized it might be interesting to watch themselves waxing their legs – in slow motion. This is the result.

Photo Copyright © 2016 The Slow Mo Guys/YouTube


The Slow Mo Guys, Gavin Free and Daniel Gruchy, recently decided that it was time for them to finally film and release a video of them waxing their legs in slow motion.

“Have you ever wanted to see hair fly out of skin in super slow motion?” Free asks Gruchy in the opening of their video.

“I have, actually,” Gruchy admits.

“Me too,” Free agrees.

“I think it’d be disgusting,” Gruchy adds.

And the resulting video is, in fact, disgusting.

Thankfully, their 6-minute, 30-second video isn’t just super close, slow motion shots of leg hairs being pulled out of skin by a microwavable waxing kit.

Free and Gruchy introduce each shot, teasing each other a fair bit before actually showing the final, slow motion video of their leg hairs being pulled out of their skin.

The video slows the process down enough that you can actually see individual hairs being pulled and lifted out of the skin, which is actually pretty incredible – but only because you’re not the one getting these hairs pulled out.

You can watch it for yourself here.

Before you press play, do know that the sound effects during the super slow motion shots were added in after the fact. “All the sound you hear in the slow mo is added afterwards by me for your pleasure,” Free wrote in a YouTube comment later.

Now, you can rest a little easier knowing this process is less terrifying.