Ten-year-old Tyler Norris-Sayers might end up losing the sight in his right eye.
The young boy had gone with his family to a local firework show to celebrate the upcoming festivity when the usually organized event fell apart.
The stand containing all the fireworks tipped over and one of the rockets ended up flying straight into Norris-Sayers’ face, setting him on fire.
His mother, Nicola, had been standing next to him at the time, but she’d been too stunned to move to action in the moments immediately following. “As the firework has gone to shoot off, it's come into the crowd - it knocked Tyler to the ground and I could just see him on fire,” she recalled.
“It was awful, I just froze - I couldn't believe what had happened because it just all happened so quick.”
Other show attendees rushed to the boy’s side, doing their best to treat him with ice packs before the paramedics finally arrived.
Tyler has been treated for his burns, but his doctors aren’t sure if he will ever be able to see out of his right eye ever again.
Because the stem cells in Tyler’s eye had been damaged by the rocket, it’s unlikely that they’ll be able to adequately heal the area enough for him to see again. Tyler is still able to see lights and shapes, but none of it is clear.
Nicola doesn’t blame the event organizers, or even the people who lit the fireworks, for the accident that happened. “Obviously accidents do happen - but would I tell other parents to keep an eye on their children, especially around fireworks.
“Over the past few days people have told me similar things with fireworks and horror stories. I would just advise others to be extra careful and stand well back when watching fireworks.”

We hope that Tyler will be able to make a full recovery and see from his right eye again in the future.