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The "Queen Of Snapchat" Dies At The Hands Of A Chiropractor

The "Queen Of Snapchat" Dies At The Hands Of A Chiropractor

Katie May, Playboy model and “Queen of Snapchat,” pinched a nerve while working on a photo shoot early this year. When she went to a chiropractor to ease the pain, not realizing that it would ultimately lead to her death.

Photo Copyright © 2016 Katie May/Instagram


Playboy model, mother, and “Queen of Snapchat,” Katie May died of a stroke in early February.

While working on a photo shoot, she’d pinched a nerve in her neck and decided to seek out chiropractic help to ease her pain.

When the pain persisted, May decided to make a second appointment.

Not long after, May suffered from a stroke caused by a block in her carotid artery. She was kept on life support for half a week before her family decided to let her go. She died on February 4, 2016.

It was only recently, however, that the cause of death listed on May’s death certificate was released.

May had apparently suffered from “a blunt force injury during neck manipulation by [a] chiropractor.” It was this injury caused by her chiropractor that created a blockage in her artery, ultimately leading to her death.

May’s family is aware of the cause of death listed on her death certificate, but it is currently unclear if they will be pressing charges against the chiropractor.

Following May’s death, her family has set up a YouCaring page to raise money to support May’s 7-year-old daughter. The family knows that May’s daughter was “the most important and most fulling part of [May’s] life,” and hopes that others will support this young girl as she continues to grow up, without her mother.

Though chiropractors are meant to help improve our physical condition, May's tragic story definitely serves as a warning to perhaps seek out the guidance and diagnosis of a professional doctor before turning to alternative treatment methods.