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He's Been Using His Wife's Menstrual Cup To Rinse His Mouth For Weeks And Had No Idea. Until Today.

One man on Reddit recently shared a horrifying experience during which he realized that he’d been drinking out of his wife’s menstrual cup for weeks. This is what happened.


Just four days ago, one male Reddit user, KarateJames, recounted the horrifying moment he realized that the cup he’d been using to rinse his mouth after brushing his teeth wasn’t actually a cup. It was his wife’s menstrual cup.

Because he and his wife have a toddler at home, their bathtub is often littered with bath toys and other items that aren’t bath toys that their son “insists on bringing” into the tub anyway.

The man had gotten used to seeing all these random objects in his bathtub, and even some in the hanging basket on the wall. These pieces were often ones that his wife didn’t want to get wet, or felt it was too important to potentially be lost down the drain.

This Redditor continued by explaining that he usually brushed his teeth in the shower. On one particular morning, he noticed that his wife had taken his mouth rinsing cup out of the hanging basket, where he usually kept it.

He wasn’t too bothered by this, and simply picked another object that most closely resembled a cup to rinse his mouth. This went on for several weeks, and KarateJames never mentioned his cup to his wife because he figured his replacement functioned well enough.

Earlier this week, during a conversation in the car, his wife mentioned to him that she’d been keeping her menstrual cup in the shower.

And that was when he realized. “I asked her to please, for the love of gods, tell me it’s not that rubber cup thing in the basket,” he wrote.

“It was. And I’ll never be clean.”

Other Redditors left their sympathies in the comments or offered consolation that menstrual cups are meant to be washed very carefully, but others were smart about it. “Why didn’t you just open your mouth if you were in the shower anyway?”