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After The Death Of Her First Son, She

After The Death Of Her First Son, She's Motivated To Completely Change Her Body

Nicole Ford has struggled with her weight for her entire life. Things didn’t change even when she became pregnant with her first son, or her second son. It was only when she realized how much her child was suffering from her insecurity that she decided to make a drastic change.

Photo Copyright © 2016 Daily Mail via Caters News Agency


Nicole Ford, 26, doesn’t remember a single time in her life when she wasn’t struggling with her weight. Even when Ford was just a student in school, she’d already been called a “fat b****” by her classmates. “That always stuck in my mind,” Ford admitted. “I am an emotional eater and would binge to help myself feel better.”

When Ford became pregnant with her first son, she gained 60 pounds during the pregnancy. Then tragedy struck.

Ford’s son passed away not long after his birth to hydrops fetalis, a condition that develops while a child is still in the womb. Fluid-filled spaces form in the body and can cause other, more severe health conditions.

After Ford’s son passed away, she admitted that she lost control of herself. It wasn’t long until she weighed 273 pounds.

Around this time, Ford became pregnant with her second child. She gained another 50 pounds during this pregnancy and continued to gain weight as Jacob grew up.

When Jacob became old enough to want to play outside on the park and run around, however, Ford realized she couldn’t provide her son with these basic joys.

“Being overweight made me very depressed. I wouldn't want to leave the house because I thought people would stare at me,” she recalled.

“I also wouldn't bring my son to the park without my husband because I was afraid I would break the equipment somehow. My son would want us to swing with him, or go down the slide with him. I was too wide for a slide and too scared to break the swing.

“I realized all my extra weight and insecurities were being taken out on my son and that wasn't fair. He shouldn't have to sit in the house all day because I was depressed and not happy with my size.”

She knew things had to change.

In 2015, Ford had a surgery to have 80% of her stomach removed so she could reduce her portion sizes. Three months later, she began to go to a gym and established a routine workout schedule.

Now, she runs five days a week, of her own accord, and she loves it. “It genuinely keeps me happy,” she said.

Daily Mail via Caters News Agency
Daily Mail via Caters News Agency

Over the past year, Ford has lost 121 pounds and is now happier than ever – but not just because of her improved appearance. She is happiest because she can chase Jacob around the park, not need to take breaks, and has even inspired Jacob to get into doing pushups and burpees as well.

“If there is one thing I am most proud of out of this whole process,” Ford added, “it is being able to be a healthy, positive influence on my son.”