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A New Mother Dies In The Line Of Duty. Local Mothers Donate Four Gallons Of Breast Milk To Support Her Surviving Daughter

A New Mother Dies In The Line Of Duty. Local Mothers Donate Four Gallons Of Breast Milk To Support Her Surviving Daughter

Lesley Zerebny had just returned to work from maternity leave when she responded to a police call following a family disturbance when the suspect refused to cooperate and opened fire. She died in the hospital, leaving behind a four-month-old daughter.

Photo Copyright © 2016 Claudine Wong KTVU/Facebook


Four months ago, police officer Lesley Zerebny gave birth to her first child, a daughter called Cora.

In mid-October, just after Zerebny got off maternity leave to return to work, she was shot and killed.

A call had come in early Sunday morning from a woman who was calling about her “mentally disturbed son.” Zerebny was one of the officers who responded to this family disturbance call.

At the family’s home, the suspect refused to cooperate with the officers’ request that he open the door and come outside. He, instead, opened fire, hitting Zerebny and two others.

All three were taken to the hospital, but Zerebny and another officer (Jose Gilbert “Gil” Vega) passed away from their injuries.

Vega was about to retire in two months, and Zerebny left behind her four-month-old daughter.

Zerebny’s family took to social media after the news came out, asking everyone for their prayers. But one mother stepped above and beyond, asking if donated breast milk would help the family in their time of need.

It’s uncertain if the Zerebny family responded, but by Monday night – less than 24 hours after Zerebny was killed – local mothers had rallied together and donated over 500 oz. (four gallons) of breast milk.

“It’s something only mothers can do for Officer Zerebny,” a local news reporter shared on her Facebook page.

All of the donated breast milk will have to be screened and tested before Cora can have it, but this supply should be enough to sustain Cora for a month’s time.

The Palm Springs Police Officers’ Association has set up a site where people can donate to the families of both fallen officers. Please consider donating if you can.