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Mom's Water Birth Video Gets Over 17 Million Views Because Everyone Is Stunned At How Calm She Remains The Entire Time

This mother opts to give birth to her second child at home via water birth, and it’s absolutely incredible to watch.

Photo Copyright © 2016 Lisa Marie Sanchez Oxenham Facebook


Lisa Marie Sanchez Oxenham is a midwife who works for Sacred Journey Midwifery in Anaheim, California.

She has a history of helping clients learn how to have a smooth, at-home water birth and strongly believes that a midwife is important in “providing whatever is necessary for each individual birthing experience.”

Just recently, she shared a video of one of her clients, Audra’s, at-home water birth.

The video has since captured hearts across the internet and collected over 17 million views.

After watching the video, it’s easy to understand why the minute-long footage has become so widely viewed.

Audra gives birth by herself, with just her partner beside her, and remains incredibly calm the entire time.

When her son is finally born, she lets out a sob and immediately gathers him to her chest as they begin to bond as mother and child.

If you haven’t already seen it, watch the original footage for yourself here: