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She Bruises Her Face While Trying To Clear Her Acne

She Bruises Her Face While Trying To Clear Her Acne

Courtney Carter had always been a fan of trying beauty hacks for herself at home to save money, but the results of her most recent DIY acne treatment was perhaps not worth the money she saved.

Photo Copyright © 2016 Courtney Carter


When Courtney Carter discovered Dr. Sandra Lee on Instagram, a certified dermatologist based in southern California, she was hooked. Dr. Lee, aka Dr. Pimple Popper, posted numerous videos of her clearing many of her patients’ acne – whiteheads, blackheads, cysts, everything.

Carter watched hundreds of these videos and quickly realized that the magic tool – a comedone extractor – was only $6.99 at Ulta Beauty.

Although Carter had been fortunate to not suffer from acne at any point in her life, she still wanted to rid her face of some pesky blackheads that wouldn’t leave her nose. After watching these videos, she decided to take matters into her own hands.

Dr. Lee made the extraction process seem simple enough. With a little pressure from the comedone extractor, blackheads seemed to just pop out of people’s skin.

Carter wanted to do this for herself at home. She purchased the extractor and went to work.

To her surprise and confusion, her first couple attempts produced no results. She tried again, and again, but still to no avail.

After a few attempts, she decided to apply more pressure, and finally – success.

Carter had discovered the secret to obtaining clear skin and happily removed all of her blackheads that day.

The following day at work, many of her coworkers approached her to compliment her on her “tan,” her “make-up,” and her skin in general.

Carter was thrilled with her success, and carried on with pride.

The following day, Carter’s nose started feeling a bit tight, but she thought nothing of it. Her skin was still clear.

Two days after that, she stared could only stare at her reflection in horror.


Her nose, which had been so clear for the past few days, looked violently bruised. She had, without knowing it, applied far too much pressure on her face and suddenly regretted her zeal.

Carter only has this to say about her experience: “I am hoping that I will have a flawless nose after the bruising goes away, but for now I have learned my lesson: leave it to the professionals!”