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Even After She Loses Use Of Her Legs, She Makes An Incredible Return To Horseback Riding

Even After She Loses Use Of Her Legs, She Makes An Incredible Return To Horseback Riding

Just over a year ago, 27-year-old Jemina Green lost the use of her legs after a tragic car crash. Now, she’s determined to return to horseback riding – even though she still can’t use her legs.

Photo Copyright © 2016 /BNPS


When Jemina Green was 26 years old, she was involved in a horrible car crash that left two people with life-changing injuries, killed Green’s best friend, and caused Green to lose the use of both her legs.

Following the accident, Green spent seven weeks in intensive care and underwent three surgeries, but all to no avail. She was still dependent on a wheelchair and could no longer horseback ride.

Green had formerly participated in competitive equestrian events and para-dressage, but could no longer do so without the use of her legs.

A recent improvement, however, might change Green’s outlook.

Recently, Green was able to stand up and take a few steps with the support of an exoskeleton supporting her legs. Even though she only just started using it, Green is already extremely hopeful about its prospects.

“The exoskeleton is amazing. It’s changed me a lot both mentally and physically. It’s very positive for me walking and being at eye level with people,” she said. “Physically it’s definitely helped me with my strength and stamina…”

Green is able to safely and effectively control the exoskeleton with her upper body and arms. While she was initially worried about her ability to balance, Green has already made enough progress that she’s already returned to the saddle and rides twice a week.

Her physiotherapists are all very positive about her ability to recover and are eager to help her return to competitive riding – barring the dangerous jumps.

“Jemina is very confident, we just go behind her as a spotter now and she is in charge of moving it. She has excellent technique and concentration and has progressed through the exercises really well.”

At this rate, it seems that Green will be returning to the competition field much sooner rather than later.