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When She Complains Of Slimy Eyes, Her Doctor Discovers Lice Living In Her Eyelashes

When She Complains Of Slimy Eyes, Her Doctor Discovers Lice Living In Her Eyelashes

A four-year-old girl in China complains to her parents about her persistently itchy eyes, but they just tell her to wash them carefully. When the symptoms persist, they finally take her to the doctor where they discover lice in her eyelashes.

Photo Copyright © 2016 Mail Online


For the past five days, this four-year-old Chinese girl couldn’t get her eyes to stop itching.

She complained to her parents about feeling “something slimy,” but the sensation and the itch wouldn’t go away, even after she washed her eyes several times.

Her mother and grandmother finally took her to the doctor after the symptoms refused to abate and her eyes became inflamed and red.

That was when they finally discovered that the young girl had somehow contracted public lice in her eyelashes.

The doctor removed 20 pubic lice and nine of their eggs from her eyelashes, finally ridding her of all her symptoms.

The girl, her family members, and her doctor all aren’t certain where she contracted the public lice.

Lice don’t simply appear on a person who has poor personal hygiene. They’re generally spread from one infected person to another, and can house themselves in a person’s pubic, underarm, leg, and facial hair.

Thankfully, after this doctor’s appointment, the girl is now symptom-free.

You can watch the video of her lice extraction here: