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His Friend Is In Need Of A Kidney Donor. What Happens Next? I

His Friend Is In Need Of A Kidney Donor. What Happens Next? I'm Crying!

23-year-old Danny Kolzow knew that a medical condition kept his kidneys from functioning at usual levels, but he never expected that his condition would progress so quickly that he would require a kidney transplant before he turned 40. This is what Kolzow’s friend did after hearing this news.

Photo Copyright © 2016 Claire McMillan Vimeo


Danny Kolzow, 23 years old, had known for a long time that he had Alport Syndrome, an inherited disease that causes the kidney to gradually lose function over time.

Kolzow anticipated that he would need a kidney transplant sometime in his life, but he “thought [he] would be 40 years old” by the time that happened.

Unfortunately, Kolzow’s condition had progressed so rapidly that at 23, he was already searching for a kidney donor.

When this news got around to 24-year-old Graham McMillan, one of Kolzow’s good friends from college, McMillan took it upon himself to test whether his kidney matched with Kolzow’s.

And indeed, McMillan could offer his kidney to Kolzow for transplant.

On the day that McMillan received approval for his kidney donation, he decided to surprise Kolzow with the news at the Baylor All Saints Medical Center where Kolzow worked as a nurse.

McMillan snuck into the building – with the help of other medical center staff and his mother, who filmed the entire event – with a sign that read, “I heard urine need of a kidney, want mine?” and balloons.

“Very punny, right?” McMillan said to the camera of his sign.

In the video, when McMillan makes his appearance, you can see other medical center personnel cover their mouths in awe.

Kolzow, sitting at the end of a long hallway, is shocked and can only sit and stare as his friend continues toward him.

When McMillan finally reaches his friend’s side, Kolzow is bent double because he is so overwhelmed, and McMillan engulfs him into a giant hug.

Heard Urine Need of a Kidney from Claire McMillan on Vimeo.

The two friends underwent surgery not too long ago, and their alma mater – Texas Christian University – shared good, post-operation news for both men on their Facebook page. Both Kolzow and McMillan are recovering well after their respective procedures and can only imagine how strong their bond will continue to grow in the future.

McMillan said, “In a very physical sense, I think Danny and I will be connected spiritually for the rest of our lives no matter what.”