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He Only Has Weeks Left To Live, But He

He Only Has Weeks Left To Live, But He's Not Ready To Leave His Children Yet...

Five years ago, Adrian Hosken was diagnosed with a rare form of appendix cancer and was told that he had less than five years to live. Hosken went through various rounds of chemotherapy and other treatment methods, but nothing worked. Now, his doctors say he only has a week left to live.

Photo Copyright © 2016 PA Real Life


In February 2011, Adrian Hosken went to see the doctor for a pain in his side. Based on Hosken’s symptoms, the doctor thought Hosken simply had appendicitis and placed him on a waiting list to have his appendix removed.

The next day, Hosken’s pain had gotten worse.

Upon further investigation, the doctors realized that Hosken’s appendix had actually been infected by cancer. It had burst overnight, spreading the disease to his liver, diaphragm, and bowel.

At that point, Hosken and his wife had his sperm frozen because they feared that the cancer would leave him infertile, and the couple unable to have children together.

As time passed, Hosken tried out various types of treatment, including having gas pumped into his body in hopes of dispersing the cancerous cells that had solidified many of his internal organs – but to no avail.

Two years after his initial visit, Hosken was diagnosed with stomach, liver, and bowel cancer on top of his original appendix cancer. He completed two rounds of chemotherapy and several operations in hopes of ridding his body of these diseases.

But every time, his attempts simply failed. The disease would always return.

In the following year, Hosken and his wife decided to have her proceed with IVF with his frozen sperm – but soon found out that she had already gotten pregnant, naturally.

Their son, Noah, was born that year, and the couple had a daughter, Adriela, earlier this year.

Through all of these happy family events, Hosken has always been returning to the hospital to seek continuous treatment in the form of chemotherapy, operations, and even organ removal. Nothing has proved to be effective.

Now, Hosken’s doctors say that they can’t do anything more for him. Hosken only has weeks left to live with his wife and children.

The family, after having gone through so many miracles together, is determined to pull through one last time. Hosken’s first doctor hadn’t expected him to live past a couple years, the couple was told that they wouldn’t be able to have kids without IVF – but both things happened.

The Hosken family is determined to have their father and husband live through at least another ten years with his family to celebrate his 10th anniversary with his wife, commemorate his 40th birthday, and to watch Adriela turn 10.

The family has set up a fundraising page in hopes of raising enough money to support Hosken with alternative treatment, that would grant him with a couple more years to live. They’re looking for any and all help they can receive.