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After Having A Near-Death Experience, He Runs A Half-Marathon

After Having A Near-Death Experience, He Runs A Half-Marathon

When heavy rain and snow hit Birmingham, Alabama one January morning, Kelly Garner – unlike most other residents that day – chose to go out of the house to assist drivers and other people get home safely. Little did he know that he would be the one who wouldn’t be returning home that night…

Photo Copyright © 2016 Charlotte Carter


On a January morning in 2014, when most residents of Birmingham, Alabama were making plans to stay indoors to brave out the heavy rain and snow storms, Kelly Garner was preparing to head outside because he knew the weather was bad.

Garner stayed out all afternoon, helping drivers and other people make their way safely home.

His wife knew he would be heading home once night fell.

After several hours passed and his wife still hadn’t heard any news from her husband, the entire Garner family began to worry. The temperature was barely 8⁰F. The family knew that if Garner didn’t get home soon, he would freeze – and he was a diabetic who hadn’t taken his medication since he left that afternoon.

No one said it, but everyone – from the family to the neighbors – worried that he was already dead. They spread word around on Facebook, Twitter, and other social media platforms, but still no one heard from him.

It wasn’t until early next morning that Garner was found in a 40-foot-deep ravine, frozen, bloody, and barely alive. Doctors in the trauma unit treated him for a brain injury, bleeding in the brain, seven broken ribs, a broke scapula, shattered vertebrae, a broken toe, and a myriad of other minor injuries.

Garner only regained consciousness four days later, and remained in the hospital for another 23 days to make a full recovery.

While there, he saw the 2014 Mercedes Marathon happen on TV and was inspired to re-pursue a goal that had fallen to the wayside ten years ago: run in the Mercedes Marathon.

In late August, Garner was finally well enough to begin training for the 2015 Marathon. With the supervision of a certified running coach, Danny Haralson, Garner slowly but surely gained his strength back.


And so, 364 days after Garner was released from the hospital from his near-death experience, he completed the 2015 Mercedes Half Marathon – with his surgical team running by him the entire time. (They had been inspired by Garner’s determination and wanted to celebrate his victory with him.)

Garner’s only regret now? "When I was running the half [marathon] and I was at that finish line, I really believe I could have done another half, a complete marathon,” he admitted.