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Every Day, Her Son Wakes Up Looking Like THIS. She Finds An Unlikely Solution…

Every Day, Her Son Wakes Up Looking Like THIS. She Finds An Unlikely Solution…

Mother Christina Clinton has been worry over her second son’s health for a year and a half now. She’s desperate to find a better way to help him. Here’s how she discovered this medical miracle.

Photo Copyright © 2016 Mike Jones / Mercury Press


When Christina Clinton’s second son, Joey Bottrill, was six months old, he began to be weaned onto solid foods.

That was also when he started developing chronic eczema.

The eczema grew to cover Joey’s face, arms, stomach, and legs. At its worst, it covered up to 20% of his body and the rash only got worse, the older he got.

Clinton brought her son into the doctor for treatment, but the medication prescribed by the general physician was only a temporary relief. The steroids worked initially, but Joey’s skin quickly became resistant to the medication. The physician had no choice but to prescribe stronger and stronger doses, but once this happened, Joey began to experience side effects.

Joey’s eczema didn’t allow him to go swimming. Every night, he had to be wrapped in bandages, and his hands covered with mittens, in an attempt to keep him from scratching at his eczema-afflicted skin. Unfortunately, Clinton still woke up several times a night to see Joey’s bandages and mittens tossed aside, skin scratched raw, clothes and sheets covered in blood.

Strangers on the street would even comment that it was “such a shame” about Joey’s skin, or ask if he had gotten into fights with other children.

At this point, Clinton knew she had to find a better way to help her son.

When Joey was about 18 months, Clinton saw a commercial online advertising an Australian ointment made of cod liver oil and oatmeal that remedied eczema, called Robertson’s Skin Repair. She knew she had to try the product.

Initially, the ointment appeared to make Joey’s condition worse.


But not too long afterward, there was a marked improvement in Joey’s skin condition. It’s only continued to get better since then.

“I was so close to giving up and going back to steroids,” Clinton admitted, “But I’m so glad now I persevered, because the difference is amazing.”