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Pregnant Mom

Pregnant Mom's Bizarre Belly Button 'Trick' Turns Out To Be Something Much Scarier

A pregnant woman's belly button "trick" turned out to be an umbilical hernia after people on Reddit urged her to see a doctor immediately. Keep reading for the full story!

Photo Copyright ©2016 Rebelrockstar/Reddit


One pregnant woman’s cool belly button “trick” actually turned out to be an umbilical hernia, diagnosed by the medical professionals of Reddit.

Crazy things happen during pregnancy, so having your innie belly button turn into an outtie isn’t something that most people would find all that concerning.

In fact, since the uterus expands so quickly during the second trimester especially, having your belly button protrude out is actually pretty common.

So, when one guy’s wife figured out a way to trick her belly button into popping in and out, he thought it would be an awesome video to share on Reddit.

"She actually has a space between the muscles in her abdomen from the last pregnancy. Glad I'm a guy," the woman’s husband wrote, adding that what happened to her was completely “normal.”

And he had no reason not to believe his wife’s quick diagnosis either—she is a doctor after all!

While many people thought the video looked pretty bizarre, it was one Redditor in particular that urged the expectant couple to see a doctor immediately.

"That actually looks like a hernia, if thats your wife please get it looked at asap. Today," they suggested.

As it turns out, they were right!

"Edit: you're right! She said it is an umbilical hernia! Fuck, reddit should just be my doctor," the husband wrote later.

According to the Mayo Clinic, umbilical hernias are relatively common in infants, but multiple pregnancies can put expectant mothers at a higher risk of developing them.

"In my practice, I've seen symptomatic umbilical hernia maybe 1 to 3 percent of the time, so it's not terribly common, but it's not exceedingly rare," says Sarah Wagner, MD, an ob-gyn with the Loyola University Health System in Oakbrook Terrace, Illinois.