For years, people have debated the superiority of “real” milk (cow’s milk) vs. all its many predecessors—soy, almond, etc.
With plenty of health experts touting soy and almond milk for their waist-slimming benefits, many avid dieters are quietly drifting away from the regular cow’s milk they grew up drinking.
But how far are you willing to go to make sure you’re drinking the healthiest milk out there? While soy and almond milk offer plenty of great tasting options, there’s a new type of milk that may actually be much healthier than the rest.
Introducing…pea milk!
According to Ripple Foods, pea milk, which is said to be naturally sweet, is healthier than any kind of soy, almond, or cow’s milk.
As Cosmopolitan reports, when compared to cow’s milk, pea milk has the same amount of protein (about 8 grams per cup), but with fewer calories (11 calories less than a cup of skim milk).
In fact, milk made from peas reportedly contains less sugar, but more calcium and omega-3 fats than any other popular type of milk currently on the market.
The startling differences don’t stop with regular cow’s milk either.
When up against almond milk, Ripple Foods claims that pea milk has eight times as much protein to keep your appetite satiated for hours.
Although it only has one more gram of protein than soy milk, pea milk also less sugar and more calcium.
If you’re hoping to hop on the pea milk bandwagon before everybody else, Cosmopolitan reports that Target and Whole Foods will be selling it soon.