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When I Saw What Bad Posture Does To The Body, I Couldn

When I Saw What Bad Posture Does To The Body, I Couldn't Believe It. I'm Working On My Posture NOW!

Good posture is not only a confidence booster, it is also a vital part of maintaining your body’s health and well-being. Read on to learn more!


Good posture is not only a confidence booster, it is also a vital part of maintaining your body’s health and well-being.

Bad posture has been linked to adverse affects on not only your appearance, but your overall health in general.

From heart afflictions to pinched nerves, poor posture can seriously deter from your quality of living.

When you improve upon your posture, not only are you more likely to avoid certain health issues, you will also feel an increase in energy levels and alertness.

If you think your habits need improvement, take a glimpse at the following tips to learn how you can better your posture.

Many people employ poor sitting habits. If your job or lifestyle has you sitting frequently, you will want to adjust not only how you sit, but also what you sit on.

Oftentimes, workplace chairs are not as ergonomic as they should be.

You may get some funny looks, but instead of using the office swivel chairs, try sitting on a yoga ball. Sitting on a ball requires you to use your own strength to support your back, forcing you to resist the urge to slouch.

If a yoga ball is too much for you, you can also consider purchasing a lumbar support for your traditional chair.

In short, any chair that helps you keep a straight back is better than nothing. When standing, you will want to work on focusing your weight on the balls of your feet and keeping your shoulder blades back.

Good posture is a habit; therefore, it must be reinforced constantly to have a lasting effect.

If you feel yourself slouching, remind yourself to sit up each time. Eventually, you will sit up straight without thinking about it. Proper posture may feel foreign at first, but it will become more natural over time. Start improving your health and appearance by practicing better posture.