Do you have a hard time sleeping? Believe it or not, the solution may lie with your feet!
It’s more complicated than it sounds, of course. Your feet are more the solution than they are the problem.
Though researchers can’t figure out exactly why, they think it’s because feet are great heat conductors, because they’re hairless. This means that if they’re under the covers, they’re trapping all of that body heat you’re generating.
The good news is, you also have blood vessels in your feet that carry heat away from the rest of your body. So if you stick one or two feet out from under the covers, you do two things.
First, you get rid of all that heat collected in your feet from when they were under your covers.
Then, you lose even more body feet through those blood vessels.
If you’re worried about getting too cold, there’s no reason to fret.
Your body is actually supposed to sleep at a cooler temperature than when you’re awake.
So if you’re letting your feet cool your body down, then you’re just helping the rest of your body get to a temperature that’s easier to sleep at.
This it’s why it’s good to use just the right amount of covers, too. If you leave yourself exposed, your body could get too cold and try to warm itself up, but if you’re too laden with them, you’ll sweat yourself awake.
So next time you find yourself sleeping restlessly, just stick a foot out from under your covers and see if it helps.