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Her Skin Gets So Dry In The Winter And She

Her Skin Gets So Dry In The Winter And She's Sick Of It! So She Cuts Back On...

Struggling with winter skincare? No worries! We've got you covered. Read on for winter tips and tricks!


Freezing temperatures are wreaking havoc on your skin. Your summer makeup is no longer “in season” or doing its job. Yikes!!!

No worries, we’ve got you covered with some of the best skincare & beauty tips to survive the winter:

Tip #1: Book a facial! The cold winter air dries out even the oiliest skin. Now you have a perfect excuse to book yourself a moisturizing (not to mention relaxing!) facial to get your skin glowing again.

Tip#2: If facials are a little too pricey for you, try updating your face moisturizers instead. Most companies will make the same moisturizer, but for different skin-types. If you feel that your skin is drying out, purchase a moisturizer made especially for ‘dry’ skin-types.

Tip #3: With all the heat-styling most of us do, our hair can become easily damaged. Make sure to use a heat-protect primer to put in your hair before you curl or straighten it.

Tip #4: Some of us struggle with chapped lips year-round, but sensitive lips get especially cracked and dried out during the winter. After all, they’re the only skin on your face without any oil glands to moisturize them! Make sure you stock-up on chap-stick and if you’re headed out, you may want to forgo a drying matte lipstick for a more moisturizing lip-gloss or tinted lip-balm.

Tip#5: Cut back on the piping-hot showers! While there’s nothing better than taking a 15-minute steamy shower at the end of the day, all that hot water can soak up the moisture in your skin—moisture it desperately needs during the winter. So cut back on your shower time, or, if you’re feeling daring, shower at cooler temperatures. Also, be sure to apply a good moisturizer after you get out of the shower!

Tip #6: We all turn up the heat in the wintertime, but while central heating systems may keep us warm, they also dry out our skin. To counteract your heater, use a humidifier to blow moisture back into the air.

Tip#7: Don’t forget the sunscreen! While temperatures might be cooler, winter sun is still damaging to unprotected skin. If you live in snowy areas, be mindful of snow-glare which can also harm your skin. Make sure to slather on SPF 30 or higher and to apply 30 minutes prior to going outside.