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She Didn

She Didn't Think Anything Was Wrong...Until A Stranger Approached Her In The Supermarket

She thought she was doing fine. Then a stranger handed her this card.

Photo Copyright © 2015 Anna Wyatt/Facebook


A year ago, Anna was living what she thought was a normal life.

She didn’t see anything wrong with what she was doing. She’d gotten NHS treatment for anorexia, but it wasn’t working for her.

At the time, she was about 80 pounds.

The treatment told her to live a sedentary lifestyle while she put on weight. And this didn’t really sound like a method she could do.

So when someone handed her a card with a website written on it, she didn’t really think anything of it.

But when she checked out the website, it turned out to be a fitness blog—specifically, a fitness blog of a person who was struggling with anorexia, Ella Crouch.

Their stories were very similar. They both weighed about 80 pounds at their lightest. They both dropped out of school to get treatment from the NHS, but they both wanted to be active, not stay sedentary.

Ella’s change came when she started her recovery with a personal trainer. Anna was inspired by this, and got in touch with Ella’s trainer, Leon Bustin. He helped her come up with a diet and exercise plan that helped her eat and put on muscle in a healthy way.

Now, she has her own Instagram, where she posts pictures of her progress. She thanked Ella on Instagram. She said, “If she hadn’t given me that note, I think I’d have been hospitalized pretty soon as I would have kept losing weight.”

Ella saw that Anna thanked her on Instagram, and encouraged Anna’s success.

“Wow, just checked out your profile and you’re doing SO amazing! Keep it up! Thank you for such lovely words, I’m so glad I plucked up the courage to go over to you in the supermarket,” said Ella in a comment on Instagram.