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Like To Sleep Late? This Study Found That Night Owls Are Smarter AND More…

Like To Sleep Late? This Study Found That Night Owls Are Smarter AND More…

Some recent research suggests that people who stay up and then sleep in are actually smarter and more creative than their early rising counterparts. Read on for more!


There was a time in society where it made sense to rise early and go to bed early.

After all, there is only so much that can be done by candlelight.

However, today’s generation is not constricted by these setbacks and has a wider range of hours to choose from. So, the question remains – is it better to go to bed early and wake up early or be a night owl and sleep in?

Some recent research suggests that people who stay up and then sleep in are actually smarter and more creative than their early rising counterparts.

While it can’t be denied that early risers utilize their mornings effectively and productively, it is often on tasks that require little innovation or creativity. Exercise, chores, or errands are popular early morning routine tasks. So, what makes staying up late better for your creativity?

As it turns out, we are more creative at the end of the day than in the morning.

Unfortunately, individuals that wake up early are tired by dinnertime and not able to really connect with their own creative energy.

Evolution is changing the patterns of our society based on our current needs – and those don’t include needing to be asleep by 8 PM.

The same research indicates people on a later schedule are more progressive and score better on inductive reasoning skills.

They allow creativity to come to them when it’s ready and they are in a better physical and mental position to work with it. The early bird may get the worm but the night owls are receiving far better rewards!