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This Cooking Oil Is The NEWEST Superfood

This Cooking Oil Is The NEWEST Superfood

Get healthy nutrients, help the planet, and make delicious food, all with one oil!


If you’re looking for the newest superfood, you’re actually looking for an oil. In fact, what you’re looking for may be something you’re reluctant to try, because it may sound a little too gross.

But it’s not. If’s natural and it’s healthy, and it’s perfect for baking.

It’s called culinary algae oil, and right now it’s produced by Thrive.

Sure, using oil from algae sounds gross—after all, it’s that green, slimy stuff at the bottom of the ocean, right? But here’s why you should change your mind, and you should be using it.

  1. It’s very good for you. Algae oil is loaded with monounsaturated fats, and is low in bad saturated fats in comparison to other cooking oils. In fact, it has the highest ratio of monounsaturated to saturated fats of any other oil. It’s likely that you’re under your daily recommendation for monounsaturated fats anyway, so why not get them through your cooking oil?
  2. It’s good for the Earth, too. It’s packaging is recyclable, it’s a sustainable oil source, and it bas a lower carbon and water footprint than most of its competitors.
  3. It tastes like nothing. Some people who use olive oil in baking or dressings complain that it tastes slightly off. Algae oil has no distinct taste, which makes it perfect for baking.
  4. It can be used for almost anything. It has a very high smoke point (algae oil’s is 485 degrees, whereas olive oil’s smoke point is 375 degrees). This makes it perfect for sautéing and frying as well as cooking, roasting, and even baking.