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These 4 Foods Will Help You Beat The Winter Blues

These 4 Foods Will Help You Beat The Winter Blues

Do you get sad at the thought of gloomy, cold weather? Fight it off with these foods.


As colder, gloomier weather approaches, many people will suffer from the blues.

It can be hard to stay above the gloomy weather when it starts to get you down. In fact, some people are so affected by it that they suffer from something called seasonal affective disorder (appropriately abbreviated as SAD). It’s also known as seasonal depression, and it affects 25 million Americans. Sufferers of this experience lack of interest in their jobs or hobbies, energy loss, poor sleep, and feelings of worthlessness.

But that doesn’t have to be you! If you feel like you’re prone to this type of depression, nip it in the bud, or at least keep it at bay by choosing foods to lift your spirits.

  1. Greek yogurt. Any type of yogurt will do, but the Greek stuff will get some probiotics in the mix, along with yogurt’s other most important mood-booster, tryptophan. This amino acid is key in producing serotonin, which regulates your feelings of happiness and well-being. It’s normally provided by the sun, but in winter months it can be harder to get. Tryptophan-rich foods can help make up for this gap.
  2. Animal products. Sorry vegetarians, but animal-based foods are rich in zinc. Zinc deficiency has been associated with depression, so adding more of it to your diet could help you keep sadness away. Leaner cuts of beef are good for this, as are chicken and oysters.
  3. Mushrooms. What you’re looking for here is vitamin D, which mushrooms are loaded with. During gloomier weather, you don’t get as much of it since most people don’t go outside as often. Getting vitamin D through your diet can help, since this vitamin helps serotonin production. Other good foods for this are fortified milks and orange juice.
  4. Salmon. You know the story here: it’s all about the omega-3s. They help your brain function, and have been associated with helping improve the effects of mood disorders like depression.