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The Reason 1 In 3 Vegetarians EAT MEAT When They Drink...

The Reason 1 In 3 Vegetarians EAT MEAT When They Drink...

It sounds like a high number, but there's a pretty reasonable explanation.


Vegetarians seem like the perfect dieters.

Right between a vegan and an omnivore, vegetarians know they can’t handle cutting out all dairy products, but they still don’t want to contribute that much to a horrifying meat industry.

But this new survey says they’re not as perfect as we all think.

A survey done by UK-based coupon website Voucher Codes Pro surveyed 1,789 vegetarians about their eating habits.

When asked one question: “When drunk, do you ever eat meat?” the answer was a resounding “yes.”

A whopping 37 percent of the vegetarians surveyed said that they had eaten meat at least once while intoxicated.

34 percent of the vegetarians who reported cheating on their meatless diet also reported eating meat every time they had a drunk night out. Every time!

What causes this? It’s a combination of things.

First, it depends on why you’re a vegetarian, said Hank Rothberger, a social psychologist at Belarmine University, to the Daily Beast.

Those vegetarians who are meat free for health reasons are easier to break when they’re drinking, since it’s only a diet to them. Eating meat isn’t something they’re repulsed by, but rather something that’s a temptation on a day-to-day basis anyway.

People who are vegetarian for ethical reasons, however, are more strong-willed. “Ethical vegetarians tend to have more reasons for why they’re avoiding meat and why they don’t eat meat in the first place and probably have a stronger commitment to it.”

Research from a survey of 11,000 Americans found that there are five times as many ex-vegans and vegetarians as there are current ones.

So don’t blame the drunk vegetarians. It’s like dangling a piece of cake in front of a drunk person on a diet. Everyone is bound to slip up occasionally, especially while intoxicated.