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The New Health Trend That Lets You FREEZE Your Calories Off

The New Health Trend That Lets You FREEZE Your Calories Off

This weight loss, pain relief technique allows you to freeze your body to colder temperatures than have ever been seen on earth. Would you try it?

Photo Copyright © 2015 BuzzFeedVideo/YouTube


Of all the weird, dangerous weight loss therapies to come out of this decade, this one may be in the running for first place. But does it work?

It’s called cryotherapy, and it is what it sounds like. You step into a chamber, wearing gloves and booties to prevent frostbite, and then your body is frozen at a temperature between -116 and -319 degrees Fahrenheit.

You only stay in it for two or three minutes, which cryotherapy advocates say is just the right amount of time to chill your skin and leave your internal body temperature the same.

Athletes and celebrities like Mandy Moore and Derek Hough use the treatment to burn up to 800 calories in one session and soothe injured and sore muscles. It’s meant to serve the same purpose as an ice bath, though shorter, and with a little more comfort.

There are plenty of advocates, but the safety has come into question. Some studies have found benefits, like lower levels of inflammatory molecules and creatine kinase, which are linked to soreness and injury.

However, with a recent case finding that one woman froze to death after staying in cryotherapy too long, the real benefits of cryotherapy are being called into question. Advocates of cryotherapy insist that it’s safe when used correctly.

Would you burn calories by freezing them out? Watch these Buzzfeed employees use it and decide for yourself.