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The Easy Way You Can Influence The Types of Dreams You Have

The Easy Way You Can Influence The Types of Dreams You Have

Find out how you can influence the types of dreams you have!


Many factors affect the dreams you have, such as your emotional state, daily activities and interactions, personal issues, and even diet.

One thing you may not have considered, however, is the position you sleep in. Science has shown that it may have a more significant role in the kinds of dreams you have than previously thought.

Those who sleep on their stomachs are more prone to having vivid, sexual dreams or ones in which they experience physical harm, like being smothered or tied up.

Those who sleep on their right sides tend to have more positive dreams, while those who sleep on their left have fewer nightmares.

That may sound the same, but just because you have fewer nightmares doesn’t mean your other dreams are necessarily positive. Back sleepers have it the worst with not only poor rest due to neck pain and snoring, but with also having more nightmares.

The study responsible for these findings is only the beginning step in the research of the relationship between body position and dreams.

Although the results are not conclusive, they are certainly suggestive and may be worth trying.

Remember, though, that your sleep quality is most important, so if changing your habits means feeling awful in the morning, it may not be a good move for you.