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Study: Cheese Has The Same Effects As Opium—That’s Why You Cannot Stop Eating It!

Study: Cheese Has The Same Effects As Opium—That’s Why You Cannot Stop Eating It!

Ever wonder why you seem to be addicted to cheese? Read on to find out!


You can eat it straight up or melt it on top of something. You can have it as a snack or as part of a meal. There are flavors to please those wanting something tangy, spicy or mild. You probably know it by its common name: cheese. Many people prefer to simply call it delicious.

Americans consume some 35 pounds of the stuff each year. Perhaps it is so popular because you can put it on just about anything: pasta, pizza, eggs, chicken, French fries…the list goes on and on. Why can’t people resist the stuff?

A study done by the University of Michigan found that cheese can actually be addictive.

In studying unprocessed and processed foods, the research showed that the latter tends to be compelling to eat in a way that natural foods like brown rice are not.

It may not just be chemicals convincing people to gobble up the cheddar, jack and mozzarella. For years, science has been telling people cheese is good for you. Three separate studies, as reported by Cosmopolitan magazine, found that people who don’t eat dairy aren’t any better off than those who eat too much of it. Another Swedish report found it can lower your risk of developing type 2 diabetes.

Is it good to be addicted to cheese? It depends on who you listen to. Most agree, though, that the key to being healthy is moderation in all that you eat.