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Over 60 People Affected By Flu Shot SCANDAL

Over 60 People Affected By Flu Shot SCANDAL

One nurse infected 67 people...but do you have to worry?


With all that public health experts are trying to get people to get flu shots, it’s unfortunate that something like this had to happen.

The New Jersey Department of Health announced today that one nurse from TotalWellness, a company giving out flu shots, had reused syringes when giving flu shots.

In doing so, she exposed 67 employees of Ostuka Pharmaceutical to these syringes.

The good news is that only syringes, not needles, were reused, so chance of infection is low. However, they are telling those exposed to go and get tests to make sure they don’t have hepatitis B and C, or HIV.

The individuals were also underdosed by this nurse, so many affected are being tested and given new flu shots.

TotalWellness has taken full responsibility and released a statement today.

“We take full responsibility for this incident and are working diligently with the New Jersey Department of Health to resolve this matter as swiftly as possible. Our sincerest apologies go out to all those affected by this terrible event. Our commitment and dedication to our clients, stakeholders, and communities are stronger than ever.”

The nurse is currently under investigation by the state’s Board of Nursing, and is under temporary suspension while the board decides whether or not to take further action.

The company also said that they will now require nurses to walk patients through the flu shot process verbally, and give patients an outline of the whole process.

Of course, it’s impossible to completely eliminate human error. Last September, human mistakes in a measles vaccination campaign in Syria killed 15, after a muscle relaxant was mixed into the vaccine.

But should you still get your flu vaccine? Of course. One nurse from one company does not effect everyone.