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How To Naturally Prevent And Care For Hangnails

How To Naturally Prevent And Care For Hangnails

Hangnails are such a pain, right? Find out how to prevent them with these tips.

©2015 Healthypage


Hangnails are a pain in more ways than one.

Not only do they just hurt A LOT, but they’re annoying and there’s nothing you can do about them.

They get inflamed, sometimes they bleed, but they’re just no fun at all.

Why do we get them, and what do we do about them?

Hangnails happen because we’re not taking care of our hands. It’s as simple as that. So the way to take care of them is to reverse that, by taking as excellent care of your hands as you would the rest of your body.

Here are just a few ways you could be reducing your risk of hangnails.

  1. Stop cutting your cuticles. I know, cuticles aren’t conventionally attractive on hands for some reason, but there’s no need to savagely cut them off. That only invites more hangnails. Instead, push them back gently after applying a cuticle-removing cream to prevent damaging your nails. It’s what’s left over after than process that’s the hangnail, not your cuticle itself. Only gently nip the hangnails, and leave your poor cuticles alone.
  2. Moisturize your hands. Just as you moisturize your face after you wash it, you should be doing the same with your hands. Keep some light hand cream at your desk and massage it into your cuticles when your hands are feeling dry. It’s good for nail growth, too!
  3. Give your nails a home spa treatment. Soaking your fingers in coconut oil can really hydrate your nails and nail beds. If you then wrap your hands in hot towels, you can lock in that moisture and prevent that skin from peeling away.