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7 Foods For Focusing And Multitasking

7 Foods For Focusing And Multitasking

We all feel the three o'clock slump. But if it's an all-day slump, it may be time to specialize your snacks.


If you feel yourself losing focus at work throughout the day, it may be necessary to start changing up your snacking habits.

Here are a few snacks you can eat to keep yourself focused and perky, even during the worst three o’clock slump.

  1. Green tea. This super tea can help you relax and stay calm—perfect for when you want a jolt of caffeine without the added stress.
  2. Dark chocolate. This good stuff increases blood flow to the brain, and even a third of an ounce can help you with age-related memory loss. Chocolate stimulates neurotransmitters too, meaning you won’t just be focused on your work, you’ll be happy about it.
  3. Water and lemon—or just water. Dehydration can be seriously distracting, and can make you forgetful and slower to function. And just the scent of lemon can help you get its memory-boosting powers.
  4. Beets. Beets contain nitrates, which become nitrites when digested. Nitrites help with getting blood and oxygen to the brain, which is sure to help your cognitive functioning.
  5. Peppermint tea. Caffeinated or otherwise, this tea can help reduce your anxiety and fatigue and up your performance.
  6. A hearty breakfast. There’s nothing worse for your focus than going to work with nothing in your body. A breakfast that contains fiber, protein, or both, will give you steady streams of energy, rather than the nothing you get from no breakfast or the short bursts of energy you get from cereal or bagels.
  7. Coffee and cinnamon. Coffee is an obvious perk-up, but cinnamon helps you stay alert and avoid frustration.

Try these out! See if it makes it easier to focus.