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6 Things Dentists Wish You Would Stop Doing

6 Things Dentists Wish You Would Stop Doing

You may think you take care of your teeth, but your dentist would probably beg to differ.


Would you consider yourself as someone with good oral hygiene?

I hate to break it to you, but a brushing and flossing routine doesn’t cut it.

Here are some of the things you’re probably doing to damage your teeth that would make your dentist angry.

  1. You use your teeth to open things. Whether it was that bag of potato chips or a tag on a new dress, you’re at risk of fracturing your teeth or throwing your jaw out of whack. Teeth weren’t meant to chew plastic or metal, so stop doing it. Scissors are much more effective for these jobs anyway.
  2. You leave your toothbrush out in the open. Leaving it on the counter, especially in a holder with other toothbrushes, is just asking for bacteria to build up on your toothbrush. If you have a medicine cabinet, try keeping it there. Otherwise, use disposable toothbrush shields to keep the bacteria at bay.
  3. You chow on popcorn. Popcorn that isn’t fully popped is just asking for loose fillings. If a hard kernel gets between your tooth and a filling, it could crack your tooth in half. In fact, for many dentists, it’s the number one cause of cracked teeth.
  4. You brush your teeth right after dinner, regardless of what you’ve eaten. Some high-acid foods, like coffee and citrus fruits, leave your teeth vulnerable after you consume them. Brushing your teeth directly after eating these foods could brush off enamel. Waiting 45 minutes allows your saliva to dilute the acidity in your mouth.
  5. You brush too hard. You may think you’re doing an extra-good job by pressing really hard when you brush your teeth, but you’re actually just wearing down your enamel and making your teeth more sensitive.
  6. You skip your cleaning. It’s not just because your dentist misses you—going to the dentist now could prevent major problems in the long run. Maybe you think it’s just a jaw ache, but it could end up being a root canal if you don’t catch it early enough.

Take care of your teeth! They’re the only set you have.