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The Disgusting Truth About Your Cell Phone Will Haunt Your Dreams

The Disgusting Truth About Your Cell Phone Will Haunt Your Dreams

Restrooms, especially public ones, are infamous for being disgusting germ dens. But what if you found out your cell phone is just as nasty, if not more so? Read on to learn more!


Restrooms, especially public ones, are infamous for being disgusting germ dens.

But what if you found out your cell phone is just as nasty, if not more so?

The truth is, your phone has 18 times more bacteria on it than toilet handles do. If that’s not enough to convince you to clean your cell phone often, then maybe these gross facts will.

Some phones have been found to be even dirtier than a subway toilet.

That’s easy to believe when you consider all the places cell phones have been in or on. In fact, one in five people have dropped their phones in the toilet.

While phones can be wiped clean and disinfected, users often forget about all the little holes that germs, dirt, and debris can get into. Things that have been found inside phones include tobacco leaves, metal shavings, makeup, and dust mites (they find their way in through the headphone jack).

These substances can cause problems for your phones, too. For example, makeup powder is a main cause of clogged speakers.

Even if you still think your toilet is filthier, don’t underestimate the importance of cleaning the object that probably touches your fingers and face more often than any other.

You don’t want those germs to get inside you or get passed along to your family and friends.

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