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What Does Your Favorite Food Say About Your Personality?

What Does Your Favorite Food Say About Your Personality?

What food is your favorite? It could say a lot about you.


We all have the foods we really love, and the foods we really hate. But what if these preferences could be saying something about our personalities?

  1. If you like spicy foods…you could be a thrill seeker. One study from Penn State said that adrenaline junkies feel the same sensation with spicy foods as they do with skydiving, or something similar. It’s the risk factor and the fear of the unknown that attracts them to these thrills.
  2. If your comfort food is carbs…you probably have a serious disposition. Carbs are a predictable, comfortable food group, meaning that those who love them may prefer experiences that are predictable and comfortable.
  3. If you don’t like sour foods…you could be more judgemental. Those who are averse to sour and bitter foods have been found to be pickier eaters and picky about everything else, too. If you like sour foods, you’re probably more open to new experiences.
  4. If you go for salty foods…you’re competitive. You also love instant gratification. People who snack on things like salty potato chips or fries tend to always be in a rush. There’s also a division of people called “supertasters,” who have extra tastebuds, and those people love salty foods.
  5. If you love citrus…you may be trying to lower your stress levels. Citrus is refreshing, and can calm those who are stressed. People who eat lots of citrus may also be comforted by the boost the fruit gives to your immunity and may be searching for those healing properties.
  6. If you love chocolate…you may be emotionally vulnerable. There’s a reason chocolate is a “comfort food,” since those who are depressed tend to be more likely to eat chocolate. They likely rely on their intuition more than they should and wear their hearts on their sleeves.

What’s your favorite food?