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This Is What Happens To Your Body Without Produce

This Is What Happens To Your Body Without Produce

Of course you'd never intentionally cut fruits and veggies from your diet, but you may be doing it without realizing it. Here's what will happen if you do.


There’s no reason anyone would do this on purpose, but do you ever wonder what would happen if you actually cut fruits and veggies out of your diet completely?

This may be a reality for people who don’t get enough of them in their diet, so if you think you may be lacking, see if any of these sound like you.

Your blood pressure spikes. If you don’t get produce in your diet, you’re much more likely to have high blood pressure. This is because veggies have tons of blood pressure-lowering benefits.

You’ll be cranky. One study of college women showed that those who ate less produce were more likely to feel depressed and on edge. So keeping up those greens may keep you happier, too.

Life expectancy tanks. If you don’t eat your fresh fruits and veggies, you’re really raising your risk for heart disease. This is because every additional serving of produce reduces your death risk by 5 percent. Now of course, veggies won’t make you immortal, but they’ll definitely make sure you live better for longer.

You’ll stay hungry. Produce is basically just fiber and water in several different forms. This means they’re super filling, and if you take them out, you’ll end up much hungrier. Fiber-heavy nutrition bars just don’t have the same effect—only naturally found fiber has that same filling quality.

You’ll start to look sallow. Produce makes your skin look healthy and glowing. Take that away, and you’re not getting carotenoids, which give both the produce and your skin their bright color.

Of course, you’re not going to cut out your produce entirely. But this may be a wake-up call if you’re not getting enough of them.

How much produce do you get in your diet?