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This Garlic Remedy Will Help You Lose Weight AND Improve Your Heart Health!

This Garlic Remedy Will Help You Lose Weight AND Improve Your Heart Health!

Need a new way to improve your heart health and lose weight? Try this!


So many of the foods we enjoy in meals have other, more practical uses.

One of these foods is garlic.

Garlic has been used for centuries for all kinds of remedies for centuries. Aside from being super-tasty in just about every food imaginable, it can also be used to treat several health problems.

Some of these health problems include:

  • Impotence
  • High blood pressure
  • Low metabolism
  • Gastric problems
  • Rheumatism

Not only that, but it can also help you lose weight!

All of these benefits can be acquired more easily with this one simple recipe, from IndiaTimes.com. Consider it sort of like a cleanse. Using this plan will speed up your metabolism, which will help you burn fat and will make your blood vessels more elastic. If you’re prone to blood clots, ulcers, and hemorrhoids, this can help you treat these as well.

All you need is:

  • 350 grams of garlic, peeled and mashed.
  • 200 mL of rum

Then to prepare:

  1. Mix the garlic and rum in a sterilized glass bottle and store it in a cool place for ten days.
  2. When ten days have passed, strain the mixture, and let it sit for ten minutes.
  3. Put the liquid back in the bottle and store again for two days.

For a twelve-day cleanse plan, add several drops of your mixture to a glass of warm water and consume it before every meal. The trick is to increase the number of drops for breakfast, lunch, and dinner.  Here’s a chart, courtesy of foodnutrients.wordpress.com.


Good luck! It may sound a little hard to stomach, but if you’re looking for a way to improve your heart health and lose weight, this may be a perfect place to start.