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Stay Awake WITHOUT Caffeine! Here

Stay Awake WITHOUT Caffeine! Here's 4 Easy Ways To Boost Your Energy

This video discusses 4 ways to stay awake without caffeine which are totally natural and don’t involve the use of any other chemicals or drugs.


This video discusses 4 ways to stay awake without caffeine which are totally natural and don’t involve the use of any other chemicals or drugs.

By thinking strategically about the effects of naturally produced chemicals in the body such as serotonin and dopamine, these practices can really wake you up without any unwanted side effects.

From watching cute videos to experience a flood of dopamine and oxytocin, and decrease levels of cortisol, to staying hydrated to make sure your body is energized to its fullest, there are a lot of really effective methods in this video.

Did you know that getting up and dancing or even listening to your favorite song can provide a rush of serotonin and dopamine, chemicals which help you to feel awake and happy and increase focus?

Next time you take a break from work, consider drinking a tall glass of water and putting on your own 10-minute dance party.

The effects of bright light and particularly sunlight are also discussed, giving you plenty of alternatives to feeling too energized and jittery later at night thanks to that emergency cup of coffee.

And of course, if these 4 ways to stay awake without caffeine don’t cut it, as the video suggests in the end, sometimes what you need is just a quick nap.

These techniques all center on physical awareness and taking care of yourself, and as such can really improve your life.

Video Credit: Reactions via YouTube

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