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If Your Feet Hurt When You Walk, Read THIS

If Your Feet Hurt When You Walk, Read THIS

You should be able to walk with ease. Here are some tips that could help.


Walking is something every healthy person should be able to do without pain. And yet, a shocking 80 percent of women have foot problems.

That is quite a few women who are walking uncomfortably.

And why? We shouldn’t all have to suffer. What’s causing so many women pain?

Well, a surprising nine out of ten women are wearing shoes that are too small for their feet.

Nine out of ten!

That’s too many people wearing shoes that don’t fit them.

7 out of ten women will end up with bunions, hammertoes, or other foot ailments because of this.

So what do you do about it?

If you have…plantar fasciitis (flat foot): Stretch your calves and feet often. This helps your body decrease inflammation and lengthen the plantar flexor muscles, which helps them move with less pain. This condition involves your calves and Achilles tendon, not just your arch.

If you have…bunions: if you notice the beginnings of bunions, you can stop it in its tracks by wearing the right shoes. Shoes should have a wide toe box and be long enough to accommodate your whole foot. If your toes are crunching up, you’re just going to make it worse.

If you have…Achilles tendonitis: This happens when your Achilles is overused, and is more likely if you’re active or wear high heels often. This should be considered an actual injury and treated as such. Rest it and ice it often, whenever it hurts.

If you have…calluses: Though usually the only problem with calluses is that they look sort of ugly, they can also be pretty painful. If you want to get rid of them without going to a pedicurist or dermatologist, soak your feet in warm water, then apply a moisturizer. This can help your callus soften.

Walking shouldn’t have to be painful. In addition to these, make sure you wear shoes that are accommodating your feet comfortably, not just stylishly.