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Eat More AND Weigh Less With These Tips!

Eat More AND Weigh Less With These Tips!

You can eat as much as you want and still lose weight! Find out how!


Do you ever wish that you could eat more and still lose weight?

I think the answer is “yes” for just about everyone.

Well here’s the good news—you don’t need to avoid foods in order to lose weight, you just need to focus on the right food groups.

In other words, you can totally eat chocolate—a little of it, while you chow down harder on these filling, nutritious foods.

  1. Eat breakfast. Eat a big one, too. No, I don’t mean you should eat five bowls of sugary cereal. Eat a lot of protein for breakfast, since it gets your metabolism going, wakes you up, and may even reduce the number of calories you eat for the rest of the day. If you’re going to skip a meal (which you really shouldn’t), don’t skip breakfast—ever.
  2. Go ahead, snack. People who eat smaller meals tend to lose more weight, since eating smaller amounts more often helps you stay full. It’s actually good to ruin your meal, since then you won’t eat as much afterward. You also will take more time while you eat so you can feel yourself get full.
  3. Snack at night (it’s true!). Nighttime snacking will only make you gain weight if you’re eating crap at night. But if you do it right, you may actually be better at sleeping. This may not sound like it’ll help with weight loss, but sleep is actually one of the most important parts of losing weight. Eating sleep-encouraging foods before bed, like cherries or Greek yogurt, can help you fall asleep and be full while you do it.
  4. Fiber is your friend. Eating fiber helps your body realize it’s getting full, and it helps you digest the food you do eat. Foods that are high in fiber are also generally not very processed and aren’t high in calories either. So you can eat a lot, but you’ll be so full that you probably won’t want to.

What do you do? Are you an evening snacker or a breakfast queen?