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6 Foods In Your Pantry That You Need To Throw Out NOW

6 Foods In Your Pantry That You Need To Throw Out NOW

All of us buy bad foods on accident sometimes. It's not your fault. Read our guide so next time, you know what to look for.


Even if you pride yourself on being someone who eats well, it’s still possible that there are some items that snuck into your kitchen under the guise of health.

Don’t worry! We can point them out for you, so you never have to make that mistake again.

  1. Sandwich wraps. Because the wrap around a wrap is thinner, you may think that it means it contains less calories, and is therefore better for you. But often, the wrap is enormous, packed with calories, and many use soybean and hydrogenated oils to keep the wrap flexible. Whole grain bread is a higher calorie, but much more nutritious choice.
  2. Coffee creamer. Oddly enough, a lot of creamers contain titanium dioxide, a UV radiation blocker found in sunscreen. In creamer, it’s used to create white coloring. One study found that the additive can cause liver and tissue damage in mice, and it hasn’t been reviewed by the Joint Food and Agriculture Organizations of the United Nations and World Health Organization Expert Committee on Food Additives since 1969. So steer clear, just to be safe—it’s not better than milk and sugar anyway.
  3. Fruit snacks. Yes, we’re talking about those little snack packs for kids that we’re sure you indulge in every so often. They don’t fill you up, they have no nutritional value, and most of them contain a pretty negligible amount of real fruit juice. They’re not a good choice for anyone.
  4. Chicken nuggets. Maybe you keep these around because they’re easy to make when you or your kid needs protein, but just because they’re chicken doesn’t mean they’re good for you. They have tons of preservatives, sodium, and calories you don’t need.
  5. Jam and jelly. Think about what jam and jelly really are. Sure, it’s fruit, but it’s fruit that’s been soaked and heavily sugared. As far as fruit-based snacks go, there are better choices. If you need something to go with your peanut butter, try apples or strawberries on a sandwich.
  6. Soft drinks. Do we really have to give a reason for this one? It’s all sugar, or all artificial sweeteners and coloring. There’s no reason to have it around.

Do you keep any of these in the house? Which ones will you throw out?