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These Snacks Can Help You Lose Weight! They

These Snacks Can Help You Lose Weight! They're All 50 Calories Or Less!

Are you struggling to snack and still cut calories? These snacks can do both!


If you’re looking to lose weight, it can be hard when sometimes you just really want to snack. Luckily, there are plenty of snacks out there that won’t sabotage your diet. The ones on this list, for example, are only 50 calories each!

  1. Cucumber. This is an easy one. You could fill up on cucumber for days and still probably not go over a couple hundred calories. But you won’t want to, they’re water based, so they’ll fill you up before you’ve had too many. There’s only 12 calories for every 100 grams!
  2. Clementines. These tiny, sweet citrus only set you back 49 calories for every two of them. Your sweet tooth—and your snack craving—should be settled by then.
  3. Asparagus. Cooked asparagus tastes great when it’s drizzled with balsamic vinegar, which means you can get 100 grams of a yummy snack for only 50 calories.
  4. Oysters. If you want an especially indulgent, zinc-laden snack, oysters should be your go-to. They’re a luxury, but they’re only 42 calories per every 100 grams.
  5. Broccoli. Another yummy side dish, broccoli comes in at only 34 calories per 100 grams. Make sure you eat the whole thing!
  6. Red bell peppers. At only 34 calories per serving, these peppers can be enjoyed raw or cooked for a sweet and crunchy snack.
  7. Pickles. These veggies are packed with vinegary taste, meaning that at 26 calories for every 100 grams you’ll get filled up AND you’ll satisfy that need to really taste something. Don’t overdose if your tummy doesn’t like acidic foods, though. ##MN_RESP##
  8. Milk chocolate. If you need to satisfy your sweet tooth and you just can’t stand the dark stuff, try two squares of milk chocolate for only 50 calories.

What’s your favorite low-calorie snack?