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These Healthy Fruits Could Be Causing Your Belly Bloat

These Healthy Fruits Could Be Causing Your Belly Bloat

Unfortunately, it's not just the bad foods that can make our tummies feel like an inflatable life raft. Find out which of your favorite fruits is bloating you!


Fruits are great for you, especially fruits that are rich in fiber and and full of water.

Unfortunately, these are the exact kind of fruits that cause you to feel like a water balloon waiting to be popped.

But which fruits will make you feel this way? Here are the worst culprits:

  • These tasty fruits are full of antioxidants, fiber, and sugar. A lot of people have a really hard time digesting fructose, which is sugar from fruit, which means that it may leave you gassy if you eat a lot of it. Eat your apple slowly, and try eating only half of it. This may cut down on the jeans-busting gas levels.
  • An even better source of fiber than apples, pears are great for lowering cholesterol and keeping you full. However, they also contain sorbitol, which can make you experience some serious bloating. The only way to avoid the symptoms is to avoid the sorbitol itself.
  • Cherries and grapes. These bite sized, high-sugar fruits contain the same kind of sugar as apples, in high quantities. Some of the sugar can even get stuck in your intestines and bloat you before you know it. If you’re eating these guys, be sure to chew thoroughly. Either that, or make sure this fruit constitute most of the carbs you’re getting that day.
  • Dried fruits. These may be high in fiber to keep you regular, but it also could end up fermenting in your colon, making you feel like you’ve got an inflated basketball in your gut. If you eat a lot of dried fruit, make sure you drink extra water with it. ##MN_RESP##

These fruits all have lots of benefits, but make sure you’re prepared for the aftermath. Whether it’s eating less of them at a time or preparing them differently, there should be a way to get the nutrients from these fruits without feeling like an inflatable bouncy house.

Which of these fruits is the cause of your bloating?