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Stop Your Bacne In Its Tracks With These Tips!

Stop Your Bacne In Its Tracks With These Tips!

You know those zits on your back that you can just never get to? It's time to stop it! Read more for some tips that will really help!


Back blemishes: they’re persistent, annoying, and hard to get to.

What can you do to stop them?

There are a few ways to make sure that the pores on your back are moisturized but not clogged up. That’s really the only way to fight these annoying breakouts. ##MN_RESP##

  • Stop using dryer sheets. Why these may seem like a great way to de-staticize and freshen up your clothes, they can also leave chemicals on your clothes that can get onto your skin and clog your pores. Stick to liquid fabric softener.
  • Get your hair off your neck. If you have long hair and you wear it down all the time, your hair products may be getting onto your back. Try wearing your hair up more often, so your hair doesn’t have as many opportunities to clog up the pores on your back.
  • Freshen up faster. After a workout, you should jump in the shower as fast as possible. If you don’t have time right after your workout to do so, go change into a dry t-shirt or bra, so you’re not hanging out in clothes that are wet with your sweat.
  • Switch to antibacterial body wash. Focus this body wash on the upper back and shoulders for the best bacne-banishing effect. Cetaphil is great for this, since it’s antibacterial but light and gentle.
  • Wear the proper clothing. When you’re working out, wear moisture wicking material. For workouts, the best option for bacne is a simple, loose, white cotton shirt. The looseness lets your skin breathe and the cotton soaks the sweat up instead of trapping it.

Bacne is the worst because it's so hard to get to, but at least these tactics can help! If they don't, you should probably go to a dermatologist to get yourself checked out. And hey, at least you can't pick at it!

What do you do to get rid of your back blemishes?